Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Walk With Jesus

Something I long to do is take a walk with Jesus...Just Him and I. He can tell me stories about when He created the galaxies, universe, heavens. He can talk about the pain He feels when we sin and the joy He feels when we serve. What He was thinking when He knit me in my mother's womb. My purpose. He can look at me with the most loving eyes anyone could ever exchange while talking about why He died on the cross. He could embrace me in His arms while I cry out my fears and doubt. He could wipe my tears with His thumb while comforting me with words "My child, My child..." He can speak the truth and wisdom that I need to hear without evil coming in between. I could tell Him how I feel even though He knows even better than I do. He could tell me unsearchable things I did not know about my heart, my weaknesses, my strengths, my gifts. Then when it is time for Him to go back He would give me one last hug, look me in the eyes, and say "I love you. Trust Me. Even though you don't see Me, I am here."

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